Phillip Island Nature Parks

Mention the words Phillip Island to most people, and they’ll immediately think of the Penguin Parade and amazing natural beauty. However, if you’re anything like me, you might not have realised that there’s a whole range of things to do and see, along with amazing food to eat!

I haven’t been to Phillip Island since I was a little girl, so jumped at the chance to head down for a weekend with my little family, thanks to the team at Phillip Island Nature Parks.

With Phillip Island only an easy 2 hours drive south of Melbourne, I was soon checked into my fabulous Airbnb accommodation and ready to explore the natural wonders that make up Phillip Island Nature Parks. Part of the UNESCO Western Port Biosphere encompassing 330 native species and 1,805 hectares of wetlands, wildlife sanctuaries, woodlands and magnificent coastal scenery, Phillip Island Nature Parks are all protected and managed as part of world renowned environmental research plans.

First up, we drove from Phillip Island to neighbouring Churchill Island and headed to our first stop using our Phillip Island Nature Parks ‘3 Parks Pass’Churchill Island Heritage Farm.

With a 15 month old toddler who is obsessed with animals, Churchill Island Heritage Farm was paradise for Annabel! With a range of live activities including working dog demonstrations, cow milking, sheep shearing and tractor rides, it was the perfect morning out for the whole family.


Churchill Island - Nature Park


Feeding the ducks and patting the HUGE Clydesdale horse was a highlight for Annabel!




After a quick afternoon nap after all the excitement at the Farm, we all rugged up for an evening viewing of the Penguin Parade! Situated an easy drive out of town, the Penguin Parade is one of Australia’s most popular tourist attractions.

Watching hundreds of tiny wild penguins emerging from the freezing waters on the beach, and then climbing the hill to their burrows in the sand dunes was truly amazing.

The boardwalks are built over the sand dunes to provide a perfect balance between preserving the safety of the penguins and providing excited visitors a ‘birds eye’ (hee hee) view of these amazing little penguins heading to their homes.


Fairy Penguins - PHILLIP ISLAND - Victoria, Australia


My advice is to rug up (it gets pretty chilly standing in the open air) and to call ahead to find out what time the Penguins are expected in. The Penguins arrived at 5.46pm on the night we visited, which timed perfectly with bedtime!


All Rugged Up

All rugged up to visit the Penguin Parade!


After a relaxing night’s sleep after our big day, we ended our trip with a visit to the beautiful Koala Conservation Centre on Sunday morning.

Home not just to Koala’s but wallabies, echidnas, bats and birds, we loved the treetop boardwalks that provided an amazing glimpse into the Koala’s ‘home’.


Koala - PHILLIP ISLAND - Victoria, Australia


I had the most amazing time on our weekend away, and am so excited to giveaway a ‘3 Parks Family Pass’ to the Phillip Island Nature Parks (valued at $104)!


For your own chance to experience the fun of the Penguin Parade, Koala Conservation Centre and Churchill Island Heritage Farm, tell us in the comments below, “why you’d love to visit Phillip Island Nature Parks”?


For bonus entries, you can log into the form below and complete the options – these are not mandatory, please note that by leaving your answer in the comments below, you automatically go into the draw!





The winner will be the entry deemed most creative by the judges. Entries open until 12pm Friday 19th June, 2015. Winner announced in the comments below and contacted via entering email address.


Good luck!




Prue is a Melbourne girl through and through who loves sampling all the amazing things Melbourne has to offer, be it fashion, food, bars, parks and beaches! She has worked in Marketing, Public Relations and Advertising, and spends all her money on clothes and toys for her two kids and French Bulldog, Coco Chanel.


  • June 10, 2015

    Fiona Rowlands

    I’d love to visit Philip Island as my son is absolutely obsessed with Penguins! I’d love to surprise him with a trip to see the penguin parade, he’d be flipping out!! (Pun intended)

  • June 11, 2015

    Claire E

    The 3 parks sound amazing! I’d love to treat my nephews to a weekend of fun with the animals and nature in such a beautiful part of Australia (plus it will be secretly super-fun for me too!)

  • June 12, 2015

    Rhonda Phillips

    I remember seeing the Penguins down at Phillip Island as a child and it’s an experience all should have. Would love to see the excitement on my two little boys faces

  • June 12, 2015

    Rhonda Phillips

    Couldn’t think of a more magical experience for my two little boys. Bring on the Penguins & wildlife!

  • June 12, 2015

    Mandy Graham

    I’d love to take my boys to visit Phillip Island Nature Parks.

  • June 12, 2015

    Danni Joyce

    I’ve never taken the kids to Phillip Island and I haven’t been since I was a kid. Would love a weekend getaway.

  • June 12, 2015

    Effie B

    I want my kids to see what “real life” used to be like before the internet and electronics lol, so Churchill Island Farm would be absolutely perfect!

  • June 12, 2015


    Dear Melbourne Girl,
    I haven’t been to Phillip Island since I was a little girl either. I would really love to explore all the island has to offer and visit my old friends, the penguins! I have never been to the Koala Conservation Centre or the Churchill Island Heritage Farm, they sound amazing. I would really love to take my nieces on a wildlife adventure they will never forget. And I am really excited to pat that gorgeous Clydesdale horse too!
    Thanks, Jade.

  • June 12, 2015

    Jessie Chibber

    My boyfriend and I absolutely love the penguins. They are ridiculously cute and cuddly. It would be great to have a pass to be able to explore the island while we wait for the penguins to pull into the bay.

  • June 12, 2015

    Kate Dvornik

    We love Phillip Island and animals! Perfect school holiday fun and only 40 mins away!

  • June 12, 2015

    Ann M Sculley

    My Daughter is in love with Koalas , we have never been to the Phillip island nature parks yet but planning to go in the future looks amazing .

  • June 12, 2015

    Debrah Bassett

    this is a fantastic comp fingers crossed

  • June 12, 2015


    Absolutely Awesome prize, would really love to make this a surprise for my kids.. They loved Happy Feet and to see real Penguins Parading on the beach, that is one big treat for us all…. Philip Island Nature Parks, where a love of wildlife sparks!……

  • June 12, 2015

    Belinda "Bee" Ban

    With school holidays coming up, I was faced with dilemma of what can we do this time! why didn’t I think of Phillip island! with so much to see and do
    for the whole family, it’s the perfect mini break I’m looking for!

  • June 12, 2015

    Melissa H

    As an animal and family lover, what a great way to combine my two loves! 🙂

  • June 12, 2015


    My boyfriend took me to see these guys on my birthday a few years ago.
    I obsessively watch the app every morning and night to see when the penguins are home.
    Being from Canada, the fact that I live somewhere close to penguins is amazing and I would love to see them as much as I can while I am here!
    Plus, my boyfriend would rather see them in person that through my little phone screen!

  • June 12, 2015

    Renate Abra

    We have never been to Phillip Island before and with the upcoming School Holidays this would be a fun experience for the whole entire family.

  • June 12, 2015

    Sannie W

    I live in Australia and I haven’t seen penguins yet???
    Oh dear – I’ve just got to see those penguins happily waddling on that sea shore!

  • June 12, 2015

    Becky Downey

    So many things! Educational and inFARMetive, ANIMAL MAGIC, and the kds can go WILD! And I’ll admire the scenery….

  • June 12, 2015

    Mel B

    This looks absolutely wonderful! The kids would have a ball as would us big kids at heart!

  • June 12, 2015


    It’s the most magical and spectacular place. It’s great fun for every member of the family. So many memories.

  • June 12, 2015


    My girls would just love the 3 park pass as there big animal lovers and im sure they would be smiling all day long!!

  • June 12, 2015

    Deb (Two Cheeky Monkeys)

    I spent many wonderful school holidays visiting Phillip Island and I would love for my kids to experience the same fun too.

  • June 12, 2015


    A fun experience the kids will love, in the outdoors of all places, away from their iPads and things that show them the world without actually having to live, experience or feel it.

  • June 12, 2015


    It’s been ages since I’ve been there. Be awesome to see the sites through adult eyes, I bet it’s still equally as exciting as when I was a little girl.

  • June 12, 2015


    This would be amazing….I love animal parks and zoos and sanctuaries and I’ve never been there.

  • June 12, 2015

    Julian Philip

    Our kids are in love with horses and would especially love to visit the Churchill Island Heritage Farm to pat one! We haven’t had a family get away in ages so it would be great to combine this trip and my daughter’s 8th birthday party.

  • June 12, 2015


    I am embarrassed to say that I have lived in Western Victoria my whole life and I have never been to Phillip Island.

  • June 12, 2015


    this is a fantastic comp

  • June 12, 2015


    It would be awesome for the whole family. My kids love animals!

  • June 12, 2015

    Frances V

    As a kid my holidays stopped at Dromana so I’ve never been but as a mum now, I’d love to take my little one so we can both experience it for the 1st time together

  • June 12, 2015

    Fiona raw

    visiting the Phillip Island Nature Parks would be the trip of a lifetime for my son, he is 14 and Penguin mad – you should see his collection of cuddly penguins, posters and dress ups. future ornithologist I believe!

  • June 12, 2015

    Trish Leonard

    I fondly remember seeing the penguins when I was in Primary School and I would love to give my sons the same fantastic experience.

  • June 12, 2015

    Krystal Delanty

    My husband and I have never been to Phillip Island. It would be awesome to experience it with our own little family now!

  • June 12, 2015


    I’d love this so I can take my 1 year old brother on his first trip to Phillip Island with my parents so he can experience the magic 🙂

  • June 12, 2015


    I haven’t been to Phillip Island since a little girl as well! It would be interesting to see how much has changed!

  • June 12, 2015


    I’ve never been and I’d like to see how the fairy penguins compare to those in WA!

  • June 12, 2015


    If I win it will force hubby to take his 3 girls on a very rare holiday! Won’t happen any other way, help us penguins!!

  • June 12, 2015

    Kathy Ferguson-Clark

    To see the gorgeous wildlife

  • June 12, 2015

    Teresa nauer

    it will be an amazing adventure for my family to experience together

  • June 12, 2015

    Dhanya Samuel

    I have never been to Phillip Island before but have heard loads about it especially the penguin parade. This would be a delightful opportunity to explore the Island with my little one.

  • June 12, 2015

    jane whelan

    I’m 54 years old, live in Victoria and never been. I really would love the chance to go and take the grandkids.

  • June 12, 2015

    Charlie cola

    Presently in hospital recovering from surgery, away from kids and hubby. Would love to treat family to a well deserved Phillip Island Nature Park adventure.

  • June 12, 2015

    Kirsten W

    My little munchkin loves fairy penguins and although we live near Phillip Island, we have never been able to go. Great for the holidays!

  • June 12, 2015

    sandra martin ciccarello

    fab prize
    good luck one and all

  • June 13, 2015

    Donna Trickey

    Being from the ‘country’ means we have never experienced the Penguin Parade–what a great experience for the next school holidays!

  • June 13, 2015


    It is so bad of me. I lived on the Mornington Peninsula for over 30 years and have never had the joy of seeing anything Phillip Island has to offer. I think it is high time I lived a little and enjoyed the wonders Phillip Island has to offer with these 3 amazing nature parks.

  • June 13, 2015


    would love to take my daughter and see the penguins,as she loves penguins,and i have heard it is so nice phillip island.

  • June 13, 2015

    Rachel K

    This would be the perfect outing! It’s great to see exotic “pets” without all the work! Of course it also feeds that internal desire to learn, see something new and makes for great exercise that you don’t even realise you are doing as you enjoy yourself walking around.

  • June 13, 2015

    Amanda Hardy

    When I was a little girl, one day we were on holiday down at the beach. We’d collected little green starfish, I’d gotten to choose a new pair of neon pink sunglasses at the store, and they sold my little pony stickers too. Which was how my sister and I came to be playing shops down at the beach, where there were some big rocks and we’d chosen one each to be our storefronts. We’d been playing for more than an hour – “I have seashells in my shop! I have stickers, I have a feather, you can buy it for two rocks,” when I finally paid attention to what my shop actually was.

    Which was two rocks, leaning against each other, with a little gap in the middle. And in that little gap, crouched low and huddling, right in the middle of the day… “I have penguins in my shop!”

    I was ever so excited and showed everyone, and disbelieving but content to play along, first my sister and then my parents came over to stare as there were, indeed, two penguins living in my shop.

    And that is my memory of Phillip Island, and it was wonderful and idyllic and utterly special to me. I’d love to share it with my own son. It’s a magical place.

  • June 13, 2015


    With four city kids who have not experienced the beauty of Philip Island…what an incredible opportunity to experience the beauty of our coast line!

  • June 13, 2015

    Cheryl Moulton

    As I am from Sth Australia, I have never been to Philip Island, and I would love to take my grandchildren, my first visit and they just love seeing the Penguins. so much to see on Phillip Island, as well as the penguins

  • June 13, 2015


    Our family’s going on a take-it-slow road trip from Brisbane to Melbourne next month for our annual holiday. The penguins are on our to-do list, but the koalas and farm haven’t made it. Keen to see all three and tag you on the photos!

  • June 14, 2015

    Michelle Sherriff

    My husband and two sons need another occasion to pull on their penguin suits! It will be the perfect penguin party! 🙂

  • June 14, 2015

    Barbara Fehmel

    These funny little creatures, would enthral my family, The twin girls would be so excited seeing them in their natural habitat.

  • June 15, 2015


    Unique and naturally beautiful, Phillip Island is the jewel of the Victorian coast.
    Family fun adventures for all ages, and the gorgeous lil penguins are the highlight event of the trip!

  • June 15, 2015

    Kylie A

    I would love to take my children to see the best of what nature and wildlife has to offer.

  • June 15, 2015

    The Llewellyn Family

    Me and my partner Grew up on Phillip Island would love to take our kids make childhood memories for them too xx

  • June 15, 2015

    The Llewellyn Family

    My partner and I grew up on Phillip Island would love to take our kids make special childhood memories like we have xx

  • June 15, 2015

    Louise Mckeon

    I’d bet i’m about as obsessed with animals as your toddler is 😀

  • June 15, 2015

    Jemma Hansen

    I haven’t been to Phillip Island since I was a kid but have very distinct memories of that trip. Now I’d like to take my kids to see how special the penguins coming out of the water is

  • June 15, 2015

    Danuta Smag

    Would love to see penguins upclose and in the wild

  • June 15, 2015

    Miranda Daniels

    Just this morning as my partner and I bundled our cold selves into the car to make the early morning commute to the train station to then make the commute to work, we were joking about how we looked like penguins waddling in our jackets to keep warm. As we cranked the heater, our observation led to a conversation about what it would REALLY be like to be a penguin battling the freezing conditions. I told him that I’d heard that penguins mate for life and that the male incubates the egg of its offspring. He embraced the fact sharing session by telling me that not only do they do this, but that each new chick has a specific sonic sound that penguin parents know to distinguish their offspring from the next. Imagine the conversations we could be having if we won this holiday! 😉

  • June 16, 2015

    Chris Drossos

    I want to win Uncle of the Year!

  • June 16, 2015

    Leanne white

    Would actually love to win this for my Aunty living in Melbourne. She’s been through a lot lately and I know this would be just the perfect solution to cheer her up!

  • June 16, 2015


    Frankly, why not?! I’ve never won anything in my life!

  • June 16, 2015

    Fiona Brown

    Would love to go again 🙂 my grandfather lived here just down the road from penguin parade brings back great memories would love to show my boys the magic again!!

  • June 16, 2015

    Kunal Mongia

    Penguin parade is the the foremost thing coming to mind with Philip Island, but would love to experience the heritage park and koalas especially with my brother in law busing from overseas for first time.

  • June 16, 2015

    Kellie taylor

    i would love to come to the Penguins and bring my children’s pa who has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. I would also bring my mum their nan to enjoy the excitement of the children’s faces.

  • June 16, 2015

    eamond tomaszewski

    This would be a Great opportunity to propose to my lovely Lady and bring the Kids for a unforgettable experience with such animals like Penguins and Seals Koalas and Kangaroos Bring It On

  • June 17, 2015

    Michelle V

    Just to have a break away from everything that has been going on in my life at the moment!
    Just under a month ago, a dearly loved uncle passed away from cancer, and my dad has just undergone a triple bypass operation. It has been a stressful, sad and just awful time, and I would love a change of scenery from hospitals, as well as spend some quality time with my three beautiful children who have missed out on my time with them these passed few weeks/months.

  • June 17, 2015

    Judith Senese

    A short holiday with my sons, staying warm, while showing them all around an Island I loved visiting during my childhood.

  • June 17, 2015

    Jodie Farnsworth

    My kids would love this!
    They have not been yet and this would be such a great school holiday treat to remember!

  • June 17, 2015

    Stacey Johnston

    What an amazing place, I’m born and bred in Bourke nsw, currently living in Echuca vic. I’ve been to Phillip Island twice and I absolutely love it, it’s a very magical place to visit never get tired off it.

  • June 17, 2015

    Bec Nieuwenhuis

    We have a weekend away book to phillip island later this year. cant wait to take my 4 kids to see the penguins and the farm. they are going to be so excited

  • June 18, 2015

    Lorraine Kong

    I love my 4 year old to experience the heart-warming scenes of the penguins coming home together as a happy loving family. After a great day out at Penguin Island, we bring home this inspirational memories!

  • June 18, 2015


    would be a great family getaway! would love to see the clydes and the penguins!!!

  • June 18, 2015

    Fran Dishon

    My boys love, the cute penguins, smelly seals, kolas and farm animals. Whilst I want to relax, walk, and enjoy the scenery.

  • June 18, 2015

    Lyndall Crisp

    Would love to visit – this is on our bucket list of things to do in Victoria. Thanks 🙂

  • June 18, 2015

    Chloe Taura

    Our boys are fascinated with penguins and have never seen them up close or visited phillip island.This would be awesome during the holidays!

  • June 18, 2015

    Maureen Hampton

    Phillip Island here we come
    Pack the good ole rum
    We sit and watch the life go by
    The beauty of it makes me cry

  • June 18, 2015


    I would jump at the chance of going to Phillip Island. We love the animals, nature and spending time together learning new things and having fun. My son’s birthday is during the holidays and this would be ideal for a special trip allowing some spending money to buy something nice from the gift shops. 🙂

  • June 19, 2015

    Renee Ballantyne

    what a lovely family trip idea would love to win to experience with my family

  • June 19, 2015


    It’s never been so black and white,
    live local, never seen this sight,
    Nature at my doorstep, 3 Parks so inviting,
    environmental care – inspiring and exciting,
    taste fresh produce, a welcoming smile,
    this Melbourne Girl might stay a while!

  • June 19, 2015

    Prue Chilcott

    Congratulations to Julian P, who is the winner of the Phillip Island Nature Parks Family Pass!
    Check your email Julian, you’ve got mail.
    Make sure to stay tuned for more great comps and chances to win

  • June 19, 2015

    Linda S

    An island holiday is the most exciting of all, … and even better that you don’t need to travel interstate to experience it!

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