The Business of Blogging

The Business of Blogging

Over the past decade, blogging has become big business across the globe. It’s a fiercly competitive market and I’m no fool to how much efforts are involved in keeping your blog successfully operating as ‘a business‘.

In three words it’s… damn hard work!

Making money from being a successful blogger in Australia these days, usually means partnering with a talent agency. In my case, I’m a proud member of Nuffnang Australia’s Bloggerati – a select group of 32 influencers from across the country. Combined, we have massive website traffic, huge social followings and form part of the 8600 bloggers on Nuffnang Australia’s books.


Why It’s Big Business To Create A Successful Small Business From Blogging



During the week, Nuffnang managing director Felicity Grey spoke to Huffington Post Australia on ‘Why It’s Big Business To Create A Successful Small Business From Blogging‘.

Felicity explains the passion, hard work and commitment behind the success of the Bloggerati bloggers and discusses how blogging and brand relationships go hand-in-hand to achieve financial gain, when supported by a professional agency.


To read the article, head over to Huffington Post Australia here.


** Update as of December, 2017

Although I left the Bloggerati group by personal choice in 2016, I am saddened to hear news that Nuffnang has withdrawn from Australia and will close its Melbourne office next year as part of an ownership restructure.


Flash forward to the start of 2024, and here are some very interesting general blogging stats that Hubspot have highlighted in their Blogging Business article >

  • There are over 600 million active blogs across the internet. (Growth Badger, 2022)
  • More than 50% of bloggers are between 21 to 35 years old. (Truelist, 2022)
  • Blog posts remain the most popular content format, with 9 out of 10 marketers using blogging to achieve content goals. (SEMrush, 2023)
  • 80% of internet users interact with both social media sites and blogs. (DemandMetric)
  • 59% of marketers Ond blogging valuable. (DemandMetric)
  • Websites with active blogs have 434% more indexed pages and 97% more inbound links than those without. (BKA Content)


The stats are on the table (or in this case, on your screen) and regardless of where you are in your blogging era, there’s a lot to consider when it comes to the Business of Blogging!



Read some of my blogging resources >


How to grow your blog traffic like a Girl Boss


How I got into blogging and tips for starting a blog



Resources for bloggers >





The Business of Blogging



Emily Collie is Founder and Editor of well-known Australian travel blog, Melbourne Girl. Emily has written travel articles for Expedia, eHarmony, Amex Shop Small Blogger Series and, and has been featured on many Australian websites including Mimco Mimzine and Bonds Australia Blog, and was invited on behalf of the VRC and Myer, to judge the Myer Fashions on the Field competition on Emirates Melbourne Cup Day.


  • February 14, 2016


    I can’t imagine how hard it would be to Blog for money!!!! This looks like a great article. Will read when I get time!!!! <3

  • February 14, 2016


    ooopss!! Typo in my website!!!

  • April 15, 2016

    Mukushi Legal

    Blogging is the best for online business.

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